Thursday, January 15, 2009

Urban West Crowder

After the long day at Disneyland Kellie went to bed feeling tired, but good. Her labor started at 3 am, and she was prepared for another long labor like she had with Wyatt.
They went to the hospital at about 10:30 am so she could get checked and she was at a 7! So they kept her and she walked the halls to keep the labor progressing.
Urban was born at 3:16 pm and weighed in at 9 lbs. 6 ozs and 20.5 inches long. He was the same length as Wyatt, but a pound heavier!

Recovering under the heat lamps.
Urban's first visitors. Snuggling up with Grandma Heberger.
Wyatt's first time meeting his little brother.
Little cutie!!
So chubby, and perfect!
Kellie with both of her boys.
First family picture.
Little chubbers getting checked out by the nurse.
Kellie and Urban on their way home from the hospital.
First car ride with both of their handsome boys!

1 comment:

The Luisi Famiy said...

Kellie looks amazing for just having that boy!!! And the hospital gown is so cool. Is it hospital issued or did she find a cool one somewhere?