Thursday, January 15, 2009

Urban 2 Days Old

Urban had lots of company his first few days home. He is such a good sleeper though, that he was rarely awake for any of it! Here are a few pictures of him wide awake, at two days old.

Big yawn! Still so sleepy!
Little squishy face!
Cute boy, wide awake.
Meeting his cousin, Kamryn, for the first time.
Urban snuggling with his big brother. Wyatt is so sweet with Urban and talks about him all the time, and always tries to love, and kiss on him.
Sleeping on Auntie Tracy. Company is exhausting!

1 comment:

Rachelle & Jared Crowder said...

He is so beautiful! Amazing isn't it how he's his own little person. I can see a sibling resemblance between he and Wyatt, but still his own unique self. So cute!