Monday, May 5, 2008

American Idol

Everyone is constantly on me about updating my blog. I know this post about American Idol is a little late since you have all probably seen and heard about it from everyone else's blogs. I thought I would give my version. Thanks to my gracious and cute as can be pregnant friend Maryam, I was invited to a taping of American Idol. I couldn't have been more excited until we stood in line for hours and didn't get in. It was okay cause it turned in to such a fun night at Ketchup on Sunset where I had the best Macaroni and Cheese w/ Crab, I have ever had in my life. And lived the life of LC (Lauren Conrad of the Hills) for one night.
So we were invited to come back to Idol the next week which was last week when they performed Neil Diamond songs and it was the best time ever. Not only did we get in, but I couldn't have been standing closer to Simon Cowell the whole entire time. I completely forgot about the contestants cause I was staring at Simon the whole time and let me tell you, he is so charming and handsome in real life. He was definitely the most friendly judge and when I couldn't think of anything else to say to him but "You are Hot!", he replied, "So are You!" and gave me a wink. I was so excited. He kept winking at us the whole night and Brooke White's husband kept making awkward eye contact with me. After a fun filled night and Paula's mishap, I personally think she is on something cause she stumbled down the stairs to come say hi to us, I shook Simon's hand and still haven't washed it. I'm just kidding, but I didn't want to wash it for a long time. I forgot to add that this picture is all of us with David Archuleta's mom. She was so sweet and I asked her how she handles all the girls all over him cause I can't even handle any attention my 16 month old gets. It was a stupid thing to ask but that's all I could think of and I forgot her answer.


Anonymous said...

LUCKY!!! that's all I have to say about that!! :)

ash said...

Sounds like so much fun! I am so jealous!!

Rachelle said...

You look GREAT! what a fun time. Its so fun to get girls night's occasionally since they don't happen all that often! Glad you had such a Blast!
