Friday, April 11, 2008


Easter was so much fun this year. Wyatt absolutely loved Easter Egg hunting. It was so cute to watch him find the egg and then shake it to see if there was anything inside. On the other hand, he was terrified of the Easter Bunny. I wish I had the picture to post but he was screaming during his Easter Bunny picture, it is hillarious. Those make for the best pictures.

We spent most of the day at GG's or Great Grandma West's house where he was spoiled as usual. He got the sweetest vacuum trolley cleaning set ever! I am jealous cause I would love to have one. For those of you that don't know, he is obsessed with cleaning. All he is interested in at Disneyland is following around the janitors and watching them sweep.

Here he is cleaning Grandma's house for her and he does such a good job too, he takes it very serious.


The Cardenas Clan said...

Love the pics and it's great that you are training him early!

ash said...

Wyatt is such a cutie!! We have not seen you guys in forever. We really need to get together!!

katie bateman said...

Ha Ha,he takes after Mom w/ the compulsive cleaning thing.Thats great!He is so cute.We miss u as always!

The Cardenas Clan said...

Okay so totally random comment...where did you get those sandals that you were wearing yesterday at the mall when I saw you? I loved them!!

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