Saturday, December 8, 2007

Not Too Sure of Santa

This was Wyatt's first encounter with Santa. He took it like a man and screamed the whole time. The first Santa didn't do too well of playing the part as you can tell.

We then went to see the famous Brea Santa Claus who even had me believing. Wyatt would not let go of daddy and after some convincing with a candy cane, Santa finally got him to sit on his lap.


Lindsey Hoffmann said...

Yeah, that first santa is definitely missing something...I think he's lacking that twinkle in his eye:) I can see, though, why the Brea one is so famous! Wyatt looks so handsome

katie bateman said...

How cute is he,his hair is getting light!We miss you so much!

ash said...

Wyatt is so dang cute. I can't believe how big he has gotten! You guys need to come visit so we can hang out and let the kids play.

M to the E to the R to the I said...

Ha ha ha, I am laughing so hard. That first Santa looks like a janitor they grabbed as a dub. Wyatt is so cute! I loved his outfit! How fun!

The Cardenas Clan said...

So cute..I want to take the girls to see Santa, but I am not sure where. The brea one looks super nice. How were the prices?

Shel said...

The first Santa looks like a criminal hiding out for the afternoon in a Santa suit - eek! Wyatt, on the other hand, looks adorable. Have a Merry Christmas!

heidi said...

pick up the blogging pace crowders--everytime we see wyatt he is already a month older. please don't rob us of the opportunity of seeing this little man grow up--don't make us come down to so cal! :)