Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

We stopped by the local Pumpkin Patch for Wyatt to ride the ponys and play with all the pumpkins. The ponys didn't show up for the day so instead Jordan had him ride a goat in the petting zoo. He was more interested in crawling around the poop infested hay and getting dirty like a typical boy.

Our friends Gary and Amy were driving by and noticed our car so they stopped in to say hi. Their little pumpkin Aubrie was ready and dressed for the occassion.


Lindsey Hoffmann said...

Are you supposed to ride goats?:)

katie bateman said...

How fun!Did Jordan try to ride the goat to?ha ha!What a good looking family,I hope to see you soon!Oh and call me I need your yummy chilli recipe...lov ya!

Justin Crowder said...

Ride em cowboy!! Living up to his name as Wyatt Earp.

Jason and Kelsey said...

Wyatt is too cute! I can't wait to see him again...I can't believe he's walking! Hope you guys have fun in the bahamas and don't have it too rough returning to all the california fires :)

Scott said...

I bet Jordan felt at home with the goats....ha ha ha