Sunday, October 14, 2007

4th Hair Cut

That's right, not his first but his fourth hair cut in nine months of life. This little boy has more hair than anyone knows what to do with. I can't cut it fast enough. Looking at his father and grandfather, he better enjoy all this hair while it lasts. He loves to run his fingers through it as he falls to sleep.


Lindsey Hoffmann said...

Wow! I can't believe that's his fourth hair cut. Avery hasn't even had her first one yet! Though, I think it's time since she's developing a little rooster tail. Just one part on the top of her head grows! That bottom picture looks like a Jordan pose. So cute!

maryam said...

Kel- I love that you take 9 month old Wyatt to a SALON, for a haircut. That's what I love about you.

The Crowders said...

Actually Sarah Knecht cut his hair at her house. She just got home from her mission a few weeks ago and they have made one of the rooms into a salon for her to work out of.

katie bateman said...

OH, I just love his little GQ face.It reminds me of Jordan!

daveandmarie said...

Hey am looking for Sarah, does she have email.
Sister Harrington
Bremen Germany

Lindi said...

oh my gosh so cute!!!!!
hey! glad to have found you!
I have a blog too :) it'll take you to the rest of my fam as well.


M to the E to the R to the I said...

Dang, little Chia Pet. Much cuter however.

The Monson Crew said...

Hey Kellie,

Sarah's back!!! I would love to get in contact with her. Can I get contact info?
Thanks, Chels