Sunday, September 23, 2007

L.A. County Fair

My Mom, Wyatt and I went to the L.A. County Fair so Wyatt could see all the animals and go to the petting zoo. I was too cheap to spend a dollar or two on food for the animals and didn't want to be attacked so we went in with nothing. They didn't care whether we had a food or not, they would eat anything. They started mauling us and one goat would not stop eating Wyatt's shoes. Wyatt loved it and just laughed, I had to hold him back cause all he wanted to do was pull on their fur, ears and tails.


The Monson Crew said...

he is just so cute. You look great also! So when are we gonna get together?

maryam said...

Wyatt is such a handsome boy! Layla wants to make out. Miss you guys. When can we get together???

M to the E to the R to the I said...

Yea! New post. He is so cute. I need to take Solee to one of those things. Ours just left. I don't know if I would like the animals eating her shoes however. Damn goats.