Sunday, September 2, 2007

Boys Fishing Trip

The boys went on a fishing trip for the Holiday weekend to San Clemente Island. They weren't too successful in their fishing but they had a lot of fun as always.
Here is Jordan with Tom and the famous "Frenchie" (a.k.a. Frederick/Boat Partner). I know you have all heard nothing but stories about Frenchie and how much Jordan loves going fishing with him so now you can finally put a face on him.


maryam said...

It's nice to finally see a picture of the Captain. I have been wanting to see some pictures of the boys on their excursions. Thanks for posting!! P.S. It looks like you had a blast in Costa Rica!

katie bateman said...

so thats frenchie.i pictured him much bigger!

M to the E to the R to the I said...

The Captain is right! That dude looks fierce. Tell Jordan hello from Nate and give Wyatt a squeeze from Solee!